Tangerines can be predominantly Orange with Yellow touches or just the opposite with a large amount of yellow with orange as highlights. Some can also have hints of pink and lime green along the back and then there are the dark gray and black highlights between the pattern in some. The Tangerine phase is one of our favorites because of the wonderful range in color variation from dragon to dragon. It’s all in what strikes your fancy.
Please use the number below each picture when inquiring about the dragons. We ship FedEx, “Priority Overnight” Monday through Wednesday. Call or email us with a zip code to determine shipping cost. Payment can be made with Visa or, MasterCard using square invoicing via email or by PayPal invoicing as well.
We hold dragons for UP TO 8 days only after purchase.
#1 – Tangerine male 15″
Sub-adult born 12/20/23
Very calm with a sweet
disposition. $225.00
Click to enlarge photo.
See below for close up
Is 47 still available
Hi Jessica,
Yes that dragon is available contact us thru email: collette@atomiclizardranch.net
I’m hoping to buy another baby. Im very upset on my situation. My baby died in a house fire a few days ago and it tore me apart. Im so glad I could find ones that look so similar.
Interested in Tangerine #23. Looking for a quote.
The quote and description is underneath each picture
Is #23 available still? How much is shipping? My zip code is 53105
Yes that dragon is availabel I sent the shipping quote to ur email
Hi! I LOVE #23 and was wondering what the full cost would be. My Zip is 75860.
That dragon is available the web sight is up to date. I sent the quote to ur email
Love these dragons man..!! I’m a teacher in DC. My kids would love to watch some of these guys grow up..
Why thank you Terence.
Is 3 still available. With shipping to 77632
Yes that dragon is available the web sight is up to date. I’ll send the cost of shipping to ur email.
Do you have any larger females?
Only older adults that r past breeding stage.
Will #4’s nipped tail ever grow to a point like a normal beardie tail or will it just stay as a little nub at the end forever?
No dragons to not regrow their tails.
Is #20 available? Zip 85392
Hi David, Yes that dragon is available I sent the quote to ur email
I would like #5.
How do I make payment?
Sent it to ur email
I would like #23 and #16. How much for them and shipping to 37210?
Yes that dragon is available I send the shipping cost to ur email
Resally interested in #9. How much is shipping to 73120?
I’ve quoted you via email.
Would love to have #15!!! Shipping cost to 65043?
It’s availanble I’ll check on your zip code and reply via email.
Hey I’m interested in 9,20,22 are any of these available?
yes the web sight is up to date.
Do you have number 19
Do you guys ship to Missouri
Yes we ship all over the U.S.
I’m interested in number 19
Thank you!
Are u able to ship international? To Sweden?
No we do not ship out of country
Are you certain that #25 is a male? I very much want a female like that. Breaking my heart that it’s a male.
Yes males are easy to sex females are not
Hello! Is #24 available? How old is he? Thanks!
Yes our web sight is up to date I’ll check the age and email you.
How much would it be to deliver to 23111
Hi Lloyd, I send the shipping charge via email.
Is #8 still available?
Also, how long do you think it will take to ship to my zip code 7003?
We ship FedEx, Priority Overnight Monday thru Wednesday
Sorry I meant 70003
I received your comment via email and replied with the cost that way. Thank you for your inquiry
Yes the web sight is up to date
Is #3 still available zip code is 01473
yes sent you an email
Hello Colleen I was wondering if you can hold a dragon for a couple weeks if yes can you hold 16?
Is #19 available?
Yes we will need your zip code to determine shipping.
Is #2 still available? He was born on my sons birthday could I please get a recent picture? Thanks????
Yes the web sight is up to date
I would like too buy #35 please
I would need a zip code to determine shipping for you the dragon is available.
Any Of these still Available.
All are up to date
Are you able to ship to New Jersey? Or Philadelphia?
Sure thing Kaitlin we ship all over the U.S.
Would love to know temperaments of the different phases? or are they all pretty similar? Interested in getting one, but not sure yet which one, LOL.
How much would shipping be to 23120?
Hi Alex, I sent the shipping charge to your email.
Is this one available also would really love to buy this one
Yes I would need a zip code to determine shipping
How much would shipping be to 32541?
How much would shipping be to 32641?
I did not receive a reply to my posting. I will no longer be needing that quote, lllreptile and bearded dragon central took care of my needs in more than a timely matter. As a matter of fact I received five dragons today and the quality was breathtaking. Needless to say this site is unreasonably difficult to purchase from and I intend to stay away from it in the future. Best wishes to you and all who read this. Lllreptiles and beardeddragoncentral has blood red, whites, …… emaculantly wide selection, I spent over 4k in dragons this week alone, purchasing only the best of the best. puts this website to shame. But thank you for ignoring me, I do believe I got higher quality dragons and of course exceptional customer service.
I did not receive a reply to my posting. I will no longer be needing that quote, lllreptile and bearded dragon central took care of my needs in more than a timely matter. As a matter of fact I received five dragons today and the quality was breathtaking. Needless to say this site is unreasonably difficult to purchase from and I intend to stay away from it in the future. Best wishes to you and all who read this. Lllreptiles.com and beardeddragoncentral has blood red, whites, …… emaculantly wide selection, I spent over 4k in dragons this week alone, purchasing only the best of the best. puts this website to shame. But thank you for ignoring me, I do believe I got higher quality dragons and of course exceptional customer service.
Hi, I’m wondering if #16 Tangerine phase female is still available? What would shipping to 30566 be?
Hi, I’m wondering if #16 Tangerine phase female is still available? What would shipping to 30566 be?
Hi Hayley, sent the shipping amount to your email.
I was wondering when you will have your next batch of Tangerine babies up for sale?
They are absolutely gorgeous.
In about 3 weeks
Could I get a total price, shipping included on the following, gala red #5 male 8″ born 5/1, #16 tangerine female, and #6 hypo tangerine male 10″, zip code 47670, serious inquiry. Would like total price and instructions on how to pay.
Hi, interested in #16 zip code 47670
Helena, both 16 and 10 are available our pages are up to date
In interested in number 10.
Yes #10 is available we keep our sight up to date.
I would like to buy # 16 & 18
Is #6 tangerine male available still? Shipping cost for area code 65251? Thanks#
Replies on shipping via email. Thanks Megan
Inches 7-10
Hi Robert,
I was asked that a few days ago. I think some of them on the available pages could be as large as 8 to 9 inches but no larger. I would need to measure and resubmit the sizes. They grow really fast if fed well.
What female bearded dragons that are 7-10 do you have?
It’s late today. Let me take some measurements and get back to you tomorrow. I’ll email you
have they both been sold ? were those the only females you have ?
Is #1 still available ?
Yes that dragon is available.
I would like to know if 18 is still available
Hi Brenda,
Yes that dragon is available
Hello! Was wondering if number 4 is still available? If so is he a leatherback? Can’t really tell in the picture
Hi Hailey,
No she is not on the leatherback page. I mounted that photo yesterday so that is the size.
Why is #18 legs and tail different colors?
Oh Sorry I didn’t mention the dragon has shed on legs and tail.
Is there any way you could reserve a bearded dragon, and does it cost anything?
Hi, I was wondering if number seven was still available? I am in Cape Coral Florida—would I be able to get an estimate on shipping as well?
Yes #7 is available. I would need your zip code to determine freight.
How much is shipping to 22406
Good evening James,
I was unable to get a quote from UPS tonight for some reason. I’ll get it hopefully tommorrow for you and send it via email.
Just wanted to make sure you got my message this morning. We’d like to buy #12. How do we do that?
Hi, we are interested in number 12. What is the time frame for getting her? Can you tell me how big she is?
Oops sorry I just put in the size. She is 6 1/2 inches. We ship Monday through Wednesday only because of tracking. Is that what you mean by time frame?
Great. We would love her! What’s next?
Good morning! I was wondering how much would the total cost be with shipping for #11? He is so beautiful and I would love to add him to my beardie collection and give him a wonderful home!
Hi Jasmine
Yes he is available. I would need your zip code to determine shipping. We ship Monday through Wednesday.
My zip code is 90007!