The Orange phase Bearded Dragons can have the look of an iridescent highlighter that that has taken years to develop as with all of our color phases. With many years of our breeding this color it remains a popular choice.
Please use the number below each picture when inquiring about the dragons. We ship FedEx Priority Overnight Wednesday for Thursday arrival. Call or email us with a zip code to determine shipping cost. Payment can be made with Visa or, MasterCard using square invoicing via email or by PayPal invoicing as well.
We hold dragon for up to 8 days only after purchase.
#4 Normal phase/Lightly Orange
7 3/4″ Born 10/4 $85.00
very calm love the grey
color Click to enlarge photo
#19 Orange female 7″
born 10/22 $145.00
Calm Click to enlarge
#24 Orange female
8 3/4″ born 9/8 $165.00
Calm Click to enlarge
photo – sold 3/21
#28 Orange male 7″
born 9/28 $185.00
Calm Click to enlarge
Good morning Akira,
Shipping priority overnight to ur zip is $66.00 total $141.00. Yes she is available and yes a good pet.
Yes that dragon is availalbe I need ur zip code to determine shipping for u. Contact us with email: Thank you!
It’s best to send me an email sometimes I can’t check here. #6 is available Shipping priority overnight to ur zip is $62.00 Total $137.oo
I would like to get #19
I’m interested in # 3 but it says no on the bottom don’t know if typing error but if it is I was wondering how long and how much shipping would be to NH
Yes the web sight is up to date I would need ur zip code to determine shipping for you.
Is #16 still available? My zip is 85032.
I love #14! My zip is 64804. Could you please send me a shipping quote?
Thank you!
Good Morning Raina,
I have sent the quote to ur email.
Hi I am interested in number 44, can you please send for pictures? Thanks
Will do
Can I get a quote for #33 to 59715?
Good morning Taylor, Sent the shipping quote to ur email.
Is #15 still available?
Yes the web sight is always up to date.
Can you send me the info on 15
The info is underneath the pictures and the web sight is up to date
Hello! Is #15 available still? ZIP code is 93555
I have sent the quote to ur email.
Hey I’m interested in #24. My zip code is 54406
That dragon is available and the web sight is up to date. I’ll send shipping cost to ur email.
Hi, Is #12 still available? And how much would it be to ship to 21045
Yes the web sight is up to date that is a wonderful calm dragons. With that kind of calmness he would not survive in the wild. I send the shipping quote to ur email.
Is #7 still available ?
If so, do you ship to Montreal, Canada ?
It’s so hard to find these beautiful babies here !
No sorry we don’t
Do you guys send to Athens MI?
Yes we ship all over the country and have done so since 1992. I would need ur zip code to determine shipping
I would love to have #11 my zip code is 98802 I would like to know the shipping charges
Hi Alex,
That dragon is available the web sight is up to date. I send the shipping charge to ur email.
If I were to buy a bearded dragon what would be the cost to ship to Georgia 31057
Hi Aubrey,
I sent the shipping cost to ur email
Is #25 still unavailable? And how.much for shipping to 38555.
Yes I sent the shipping cost via ur email
Is #23 still available?
Yes. I need ur zip code.
How much would shipping be to 26508?
Good morning Zack,
I always send the quote to ur email
I’m interested in #17. I just have a couple of questions about her. Zip code is 37058
That dragon was sold last night.
I would like to know if #10 is still available
My zip code is 92679
Also, what is the information on the warranty?
Yes the web sight is up to date I have sent you the quote over email on shipping, much faster that way.
Are any of them still available? I’ll take whatever ones left they’re all gorgeous
Yes the web sight is up to date
number 6 available?
Yes the web sight is up to date.
How much to send number 6 to 40165
I sent that to you via email.
Is #10 still available?And how much is it to ship to zip code 55303?
Yes #10 is available I have replied via email on the shipping charge for your zip code.
Is #10 and 21 still available? How much to ship to 83646?
Yes both are available I have replied via email on the shipping cost for your zip code.
Hi, is #4 still available? I’m a teacher looking to adopt an adult as a classroom pet and having trouble getting healthy babies from the pet store.
Yes it is available the web sight is up to dat.
Wondering if #5 is a male or female? Doesn’t say when it was added do I’m unsure of how updated it is
We are updated on our available pages and try to do so
Is number 12 a leather back? And what would be total cost with shipping?
No. I sent you the quote on shipping via email.
Is # 22 still available
Yes the web sight is up to date
Hi I am Interested in #22 is he/she still available? What would the total cost including shipping be to 98663 Vancouver, Wa. And how soon could I receive it? Thank you
Yes our web sight is up to date that dragon is available. I have sent you the shipping charge via email.
I was wondering if 19 or 22 were still available? Also is NC ok to ship to?
Yes they are available the web sight is up to date.
Yes I would need your zip code to determine shipping
I am interested in #27 my zip is 66614. What is her personality?
I like #29 & #17 the Dunner bearded dragon. Is #29 fully grown?
No #29 is a sub-adult
Which numbers do you still have available ?
The web sight is up to date I will mark anyone that is sold as sold
Is #3 available? My zip is 49401
Yes the web sight is up to date. I get your inquiry via email at the same time you post here so I quoted the shipping cost that way
Is number 29 still available? 22079
Good morning Abigail. Yes #29 is available I have quoted shipping via email since I get a forward once your put this request in here.
Is number 19 available?
How much is shipping to 08861
Hi Ramon just finished updating the web pages last night all are available sent shipping cost via email.
Hi, I just wanted to double check that my message went through. I would like #3 and my zip code is 36830. I can pay with a credit card or paypal.
Got it thank you.
Hello! Love your dragons. What would shipping cost to 03038? Thank you 🙂
HI Nicole, Send you that quote via email.
is #3 still available?
Also, how much would shipping be to 53018?
Hi Kara, I replied via email.
Yes the web sight is up to date. I would need your zip code to determine shipping.
How much would shipping be to the zip code 45044
Good morning, I get these inquiries via email as well and have quoted you shipping. Our web sight is up to date.
Is #23 still available
Yes that dragon is available.
Is #23 still available 63031
Sent the shipping cost via email yes that dragon is available the web sight is up to date
Hello, is #23 still available? If so, may I get a shipping quote for 48314?
Sent the shipping cost via email yes #23 is available our web sight it up to date.
hello is #5 still available? our zip is 04239
Good morning yes that dragon is available our web sight is up to dat.
Is #30 still there
Your email address is incorrect I cannot reply with email. Yes that dragon is available the web sight is up to date. I would need your zip code to determine shipping.
Just sent you a message for #27 and #30. I have an assistant who can be at my residence to take shipping any day of the week. 99 degrees high this week in Texas.
No problem
Is #22 still available? I’d need him to be shiped to zip 52245.
Sent the shipping via email. and yes #22 is available.
Hi, is #26 still available? I would need him to be shipped to zip 37322.
Yes. I’ve replied on the shipping charge via email.
Is 15 still available if so can i see a recent pic sons birthday is next week thxd
Yes I would need your zip code to determine shipping
Yes I’ll need your zip code to determine shipping
Is 18 available
Yes that dragon is available.
Is #8 still available? I just fell in love with his picture <3
Yes that dragon is available
How much is shipping to 33981?
Or 5 -6-9-12
Yes our web sight is up to date.
Hi is 15 and 16 still available
Yes they are available
I would like to purchase #16 if it’s still available and need to know a price for shipping to zip code 71463
Yes that dragon is available.
Is #6 still available? If so can I see a recent picture, and my zip is 55927
Yes that dragon is available I quoted shipping to you via email
is number 31 still available? i would love to take him.
Yes that dragon is available
31 still available to ship to 61738?
Yes that dragon is available I quoted shipping via email.
I am interested in #3 possibly! How much would the shipping be to 34120
Sorry I failed to mark that dragon as “Sold”. I am updating my pages today and Friday
Is #16 still available
Had #16 been sold? Do you ship?
Yes 16 is available and yes we ship all over the U.S.
Is #1 still available? How much is shipping to 98271?
I just sold that one this morning. I’ll mark it as sold. Keep looking
Do you ship to Canada? I’m interested in #12
Or #22. He’s beautiful.
Thank you #22 is available.
No sorry to say we don’t
Is number 11;12 or22 still available
yes they are all available.
Is 12 available
Is 22 available
Yes I would need a zip code to determine shipping
It’s 30306
Never mind
22 still available?
Yes that dragon is available, I would need your zip code to determine shipping. We ship FedEx, Priority Overnight, Monday thru Wednesday
#1 or 33 available?
1 is not available sold last night 33 is available
Is number 10 still available?
That dragon just sold last night
Are these still available? Zip is 38024. I live in tennessee so I definitely would like an orange one lol! We have a leopard gecko that we love but would really like to have a beardie!
Number 18 is very beautiful! Is she still
Available? Why does a nipped toe affect the price so much? Can she still hold on to your shirt when she is older? Please email me with information :)! I’m a first time buyer just weighing all my options!
Is #10 available?
Yes please contact me via email
Is #10 still available ? And if so, how big is she ?
Hello. I am looking to find a female dragon. Potentially a juvenile or adult or adult. I am mostly concerned about health and personality over the colors or morf. If you have any females you could recommend I’d appreciate it. Thanks
Hey I would like to know if #6 is available
Good Morning Collette,
Are # 7 or # 10 still available?
yes they are.
is #5 still available, if not is number 2 still up for sale?
how much to ship to 53207
Is 9 still available?
Is 6 and 7 still available and how much to ship to 47340
Yes I sent the shipping to you via email.
is 15 avalible
No it says sold. Babies are almost reaching size to sell about another week
i am interested in number 5 please contact me
Hi Daniel,
That dragon is available. I’ll send an email as well
Could I put #1 on hold?
Hi David,
I would need a small deposit. We can hold the dragon for a about 11 days.
Sorry No
Is 19 still available
Yes she is available
Is dragon #12 still available?
No, sorry
Hi, I was wondering if we can put the #4 male on hold until Thursday. We plan on purchasing him on thursday.
Yes I’ve done that for you until Thursday 2/18
Oh dear I hope I sent that to your email. I didn’t see this!
Yes we do!
Hi there 🙂 can you determine shipping cost to 82801 (Sheridan, WY)? #12 is gorgeous! Is she good with other dragons?
Hi there, I Was looking at #21. Is it still for sale? How much would shipping be to 55744
Hi Tripp,
Yes the dragon is available. I just sent you a shipping quote. Shipping is determined by zip cod.
Hello Is #5 still available?
We just sold #5 this morning.
is number nine (#9) still available? And how much would it be to ship to 23113 in midlothian virginia? thank you for your time and your lizards are beautiful?!
is number nine (#9) still available? And how much would it be to ship to 23113 in midlothian virginia? thank you for your time and your lizards are beautiful?!
Hi Sam,
I sent you an email yes the dragon is available
Is #11 still available? Absolutely gorgeous. Please email me if so.
Hi, Yes she is available.
Hello, I was wondering if you’ll have more babies by the end of August?
Hello, I was wondering if you’ll have more babies by the end of August?
yes we sure will.
Hey Collete, I was just curious if you were getting my emails. I don’t mean to bother you.
Hey there Collete, was curious if #24 was still available? Beautiful dragon there. I’ve never owned one but I’m sure I’d love it. Just curious about shipping charges where I am. And a few other questions. Thanks.
That dragon is available, I sent you an email.
I’m sorry but I never got an email can u send it agian
I’m sorry but I never got an email can u send it agian
I am interested in #3 and was wondering if I could put it on hold for a week, Because me and my family will be out of town for a couple of days and will be on vacation
Yes, I’ll send you and email.
Hi I am VERY interested in the #24 orange female. I absolutely love her coloring. My zipcode is 39572. Is there any way you could send me a side profile pic and a face pic of her? Thanks, Jess
Hi Jessica,
Shipping would be $38.50
Hi, Yes she is available.
Do you have money back guarantee
Do you have money back guarantee
Is #12 still available how much is shipping to 21037
Is #12 still available how much is shipping to 21037
Good morning, yes the dragon is available shipping would be $36.00
My zip code is 72712 could you tell me what the cost would be for shipping on number 17?
My zip code is 72712 could you tell me what the cost would be for shipping on number 17?
Hi Lacey,
I just send you the quote via email.
17404 is our zip code
17404 is our zip code
Is # 12 still available?
Hi John,
Yes, I would need a zip to determine shipping
Is #5 still for sale?
Is #5 still for sale?
Hi Conor,
Yes, still available.
That dragon is available, I sent you an email.
Hello I’m interested in #10 orange phase female is she still available
Hello I’m interested in #10 orange phase female is she still available
Hello Nita – I sent you an email letting you know that #10 is available.
U still have 5 and 9 male and female
Number five sold yesterday late afternoon but number 9 is available
Is number 5 still available?? And how much would shipping be to 39571?
Is number 5 still available?? And how much would shipping be to 39571?
Sorry number 5 sold late yesterday afternoon
Is male #5 available ?
Also which are his parents ?
How much is shipping to 33186
Is male #5 available ?
Also which are his parents ?
How much is shipping to 33186
Hello Ivan,
Shipping would be $36.50 Yes he is still available. I would need to look up the lineage. I would do so if you are going to purchase.
I was wondering about number 1. My address is 92627. Can you hold it until monday? I can pay on monday. I can give you my credit card info and have all of the info but don’t charge it until monday. Thanks 🙂
I was wondering about number 1. My address is 92627. Can you hold it until monday? I can pay on monday. I can give you my credit card info and have all of the info but don’t charge it until monday. Thanks 🙂
Hi Andrew,
I answered you via email.
Hello! Just a bit curious, but is #10 still available? And what would be the shipping for 85255? Thanks!
Hello Riley,
No sorry to say he was sold just today. I’m updating my list this evening and will put a few more dragons up tomorrow.
I was contacting to see if #10 was still available? and how much is shipping 75040? Thanks
No sorry to say he was sold today.
I was contacting to see if #10 was still available? and how much is shipping 75040? Thanks
No sorry to say he was sold today.
Is number one still available? My zip is 43055
Is number one still available? My zip is 43055
Yes and Shipping is $36.50
Hi Jessica,
Shipping would be $38.50
I sent you an email. 🙂
Hi Tammy
Yes he is available. Shipping would be $32.00. We ship Monday through Wednesday.
Is #7 still available? Our zip is 92780.
Hi Tammy
Yes he is available. Shipping would be $32.00. We ship Monday through Wednesday.